Google+ page of La Maison di Bologna
 Facebook page of La Maison di Bologna
La Maison di Bologna | sitemap
home - 
homepage of the website
rooms - 
presentation and pictures of the rooms of the Bed & Breakfast, information on services (free private parking, free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, flat-screen TV, private bathroom with comfortable shower, etc.), pricing and local taxes, etc.
living - 
presentation and pictures of the living area, information on continental breakfast
reservations - 
reservations at lowest price, instructions for guests, terms and conditions of the services provided, payment information, etc.
directions - 
contact information (cell phone number, e-mail address), street address of the Bed & Breakfast, directions, link to the social profiles of La Maison di Bolgona (Google+, Facebook, etc.)
bologna - 
information for guests regarding the City of Bologna, and link to the major information websites of Bologna